Grève 16 octobre 2010 : Manifestations contre les retraites

Journée de grève samedi 16 octobre 2010, cette journée sera une nouvelle journée de manifestations, le samedi 16 octobre contre le projet de réforme des retraites.

Striking refineries workers block the entrance of the DPF oil refinery in Fos-sur-Mer near Marseille, October 7, 2010. Workers at only one out of four refineries have voted to join a port strike in southern France, easing fears of an immediate shutdown of the region's oil processing capacity, CGT union officials said on Thursday. Port workers, in their 11th consecutive day of strike, were still blocking dozens of crude and oil product vessels, threatening the idling of the six French refineries dependent on the hub. The banner reads on strike . REUTERS/Jean-Paul Pelissier (FRANCE - Tags: ENERGY EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS CIVIL UNREST)

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Un commentaire pour “Grève 16 octobre 2010 : Manifestations contre les retraites”

  1. emna dit :

    Est se que les vols long courriers seront annule la journee du 16 octobre?

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